Contact Us

Knights Hockey Club


P.O. Box #378
16 Midlake Blvd SE
Calgary, AB T2X 2X7

Drop off:

Cardel Rec South Reception Office (ice level between rinks 2 and 3)


General Inquiries:


Ice Scheduler:

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In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge that we live, work and play on the traditional territories of the Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksika, Kainai, Piikani), the Tsuut’ina, the Îyâxe Nakoda Nations, the Métis Nation (Region 3), and all people who make their homes in the Treaty 7 region of Southern Alberta.

Knights Hockey Club
P.O. Box #378
16 Midlake Blvd SE
Calgary, AB T2X 2X7