Volunteer Bond Program
2024-25 Season

The purpose of the Knights Hockey Club Volunteer Bond Program is to encourage all Association members to become actively involved in the operation and success of the Association.
Many of our club members are unaware of just how much volunteer work and fundraising is necessary to operate and administer a quality hockey program. The volunteer bond program was introduced to encourage Knights Hockey Club members to step forward and help. The time commitment is not unreasonable, and the help is beneficial and appreciated!! Participation in the volunteer bond program is a mandatory component of registration with KHC and in no way does it exclude families from volunteering with their player’s team.
Volunteer Hours Required
A minimum of 15 hours of KHC approved volunteer work is required to fulfill each family’s Volunteer Bond obligations per season. 5 volunteer hours will be at association level, with the 10 remaining volunteer hours at team level or split between team and association levels. There are many opportunities to volunteer throughout the season. A list of Board approved volunteer positions will be posted on the website each season.
Value of Volunteer Bond
The value of the Volunteer Bond is set at $500.00 per family per year.
Submitting the Volunteer Bond Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement (PAD)
The Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement form, Pre-Authorized credit card transaction or a post-dated cheque must be submitted at the time of registration.
Reporting Responsibility
It is each family’s own responsibility to ensure they meet the Volunteer Bond Program commitments and ensure that their hours are reported accurately to the club. The Manager of each team will provide assistance to families with the tracking of their bond.
Bond Cashing
At the end of each season, all outstanding bonds will be reviewed by a committee of the Board of Directors who will review the details of the recorded hours and roles performed to determine if the bond will be cashed.
Examples of Bonded Positions
Below are examples of bonded positions. Other positions may be added at BOD discretion.
Full Bond | The following roles will qualify for a full bond |
Board Members | Eligible Board Positions: President, VP On-Ice, VP Off-Ice, VP Finance, VP Safety and Governance, Director of Evaluations, Director of Special Events, Director of Development, Director of Coaches, Director of Tournaments, Director of Age Groups |
Coordinators | Age Group Coordinators - U7, U9, U11, U13, U15, U18 and House League |
Any Assistant Age Group Coordinator | |
Goaltender Coordinator | |
Association | Tournament - Joust in the South Age Group Coordinator (1 per division) |
Tournament Team Representitive for KHC-Hosted Tournament Only | |
Evaluations | Association Coordinator of On Ice Programs |
Association Coordinator of Evaluators | |
Team Roles | Team Head Coach |
Team Manager | |
Team Assistant Manager | |
Team Assistant Coach (Max 4 per team) | |
Scorekeeper/Timekeeper (7 games - 1/2 Bond & 15 Games Full Bond) | |
Hockey Calgary Roles | |
Tournament Representative | |
Hockey Calgary | HC Governor |
HC League Chair | |
Cardel Rec | Cardel Rec South Board Representitive |
Casino Volunteers |
Partial Bond | Hours will be recorded hourly |
Evaluations | Team Score / Timekeeper - Penalty Box (1 game equals 1 hour) |
Evaluator | |
U7-U18 & House League - On Ice Coach | |
Check-in Desk Volunteer | |
Dressing Room & Bench Supervisors, Evaluations Game Timekeeper | |
Timekeeper (1 game = 1 hour) | |
KHC Hosted | Picture Day Volunteer |
Special Events | |
Special Projects (as approved by KHC Board) |
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is there a Volunteer Bond?
The Volunteer Bond Program has been introduced to encourage members to step forward and get involved.
How much is the Volunteer Bond?
$500.00 per family
How many hours do I need to put in?
A minimum of 15 hours per family is required. Of the 15 hours, a minimum of 5 hours to be volunteered at the KHC level. The remaining 10 hours can be team level or KHC level.
I don't want to volunteer or I'm really busy, do I have to volunteer?
No. You can opt out of volunteering by authorizing the Association to process your bond "PAD".
What roles are available?
The official list of positions is published on the website under "Volunteering". Opportunities to volunteer throughout the year will be made available through the website and/or email notifications.
Is the Volunteer Bond mandatory?
The volunteer bond is mandatory for all members to remain in good standing with the association. Unfortunately, your player(s) will not be able to evaluate and will not be registered on a team until the Assocation receives your "PAD" agreement.
If I do not complete the minimum 15 hours will my "PAD" be processed?
If I only complete 7 or 8 hours, will you still process my "PAD"?
I know a person that is doing two roles that qualify for the volunteer bond (e.g. Coach on one team and Assistant Coach on another). Is this permitted?
Yes, the association always wants the best possible person for the role to be assigned. There are other opportunities to volunteer.
Who is tracking my volunteer hours?
Volunteer shifts registered in SignUpGenius.com will be tracked and reported to teams. There will be a mid-season report in December and a year-end report in March. It is your responsibility to meet the Volunteer Bond Program Commitment and ensure that their hours are reported accurately. Your team manager will track your hours for game day volunteers (timekeeper/score keeper and penalty box gate volunteers).
Can I work off my bond for the next year?
No, we need volunteers every season; we are working only for this year. Once this year closes (May 31st of the current season) and we move into the new season, you can begin to work off your bond before the season starts.
Questions regarding the Volunteer Bond Program can be sent to vpfinance@knightshc.ca.