Volunteer with KHC
2024-25 Season

The Knights Hockey Club is only able to exist because of its dedicated volunteers. Board members, organizers, coordinators, coaches, assistant coaches, tournament organizers, and administrators are just a small part of the incredible group of volunteers that helps make this organization what it is.
We are in need of volunteers on both the association and team level. If you have any questions or would like to help but don't know how to get involved please email us at admin@knightshc.ca.
Sign Up to Volunteer
Team Level Volunteering
Thanks to all the amazing volunteers during the pre-season and evaluations. The commitment by all our volunteers makes the Knights Organization what it is! With evaluations complete, please consider volunteering at the team level.
We will continue to post open volunteer positions as they come available.
Volunteer Bond
Many of our club members are unaware of just how much volunteer work and fundraising is necessary to operate and administer a quality hockey program. The volunteer bond program was introduced to encourage Knights Hockey Club members to step forward and help. The time commitment is not unreasonable, and the help is beneficial and appreciated!! Participation in the volunteer bond program is a mandatory component of registration with KHC and in no way does it exclude families from volunteering with their player’s team.